Event held on October 25

Junee Show

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All Day
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About the Event


The Junee Show has been a part of the community for over 125 years and serves as a platform to exhibit the shire's finest. The show is an excellent day out for people of all ages with activities to appeal to everyone. They have events ranging from animal exhibitions, pavilion exhibitions, the bushman's relay, showgirl events and of course the ever-popular sideshow alley. The first Junee Show was held in 1888, with each event being bigger and better than the last one. The wide variety of activities and entertainment ensures there is something for everyone at the Junee Show! The team works hard year-round to make sure they bring quality entertainment that will keep you coming back year after year. Held annually in October at the Junee Showgrounds. Entry Cost Adult $10 Child $2 Concession $5