Event held on February
Melodies Across Peru
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About the Event
Following a successful performance in Melbourne, Eduardo is thrilled to share the richness of Peruvian culture with regional audiences.
Melodies Across Peru offers a vibrant journey through classical guitar, immersing audiences in Peru's music and dance. Bringing the spirit of the multicultural festival to Young, this concert promises an evocative journey across continents, filled with the soulful rhythms of Peruvian music.
This performance celebrates the rich diversity of Peruvian sounds, blending the lively criollo rhythms of the coast with the soulful melodies of Andean music from the highlands.
Special performers are coming from all over Australia, including the Tarpuy Dance Group from Brisbane, The Crossing Machine String Quartet from Melbourne, and a skilled percussionist. In a special honour, the Peruvian Ambassador will also attend the performance.
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Concert or Performance