Event held on January
Australia Day Celebrations Gunnedah
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About the Event
Australia Day is the nation's day to celebrate what's great about living in Australia and being Australian.
The Gunnedah Shire celebrates the National day with a variety of free community activities for all residents and visitors to share.
Celebrations begin in the lead-up to Australia Day with the Australia Day Quiz at the on January 24, then the Australia Day Awards Dinner held in the Town hall on the 25th. This enables the community to have an opportunity to attend the many planned activities on the program.
Australia Day kicks off early with Triathlon events, combined Church service, Rotary Breakfast BBQ, Citizenship Ceremony, CWA Cake Off, Aussie Fest Athletic events, Splash Day at the Pool, Bowls Triples, Yabbie races, Touch Footy Match, Rural Museum Open day and a free screening of an Australian Movie at the Civic Theatre. Then join on January 27 for the Australia Day Chess Challenge at the Smithurst Theatre.
Gunnedah's Australia Day program varies annually, with a full list of events. Check out the Gunnedah Shire Council website or Facebook page for all the details.
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Festivals and Celebrations