Event held on September 23

Henty Machinery Field Days

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All Day
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About the Event


Established in 1963, the Henty Machinery Field Days is now the largest outdoor agricultural event in eastern Australia. Showcasing the leading edge in farm machinery and agricultural businesses across Australia, Henty Machinery Field Days brings together over 3000 businesses and 50,000 visitors together in the one exhibition space. Sitting in the middle of Australia's agricultural powerhouse, Henty Machinery Field Days draws audiences from broad acre and specialist farming and grazing areas from all over Australia and New Zealand. Henty Machinery Field Days cater to the air of optimism evident in agribusiness farming throughout south-eastern Australia. Join again in 2024 for the biggest event yet! Entry Cost All tickets $8 - Tickets range in price from $8 to $30. Discounted tickets will be available online until the opening day of the event. Head to www.hmfd.com.au for ticket options.