Event held on March 15


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About the Event


Celebrating its 34th year, Flickerfest, Australia’s only Academy® Award and BAFTA qualifying short film festival, and the country’s largest Australian and International short film competition, screens the best of shorts from Australia and the world, selected from 3,400 entries; ensuring the presentation of A-list short film programmes recognised amongst the best in the world. Flickerfest screens for ten days under the summer stars at Bondi Beach in January, with selected highlights of the most entertaining and innovative short films from Australia and around the world touring the country on a 45-venue national tour from February to October 2025. Flickerfest returns with this annual one-off chance to see the Best of Australian Shorts programme officially selected for Flickerfest National Tour, before these films continue their journey around the world. Entry Cost All tickets $15 - Adult $25 Conc/Stu/Child $20 Members $15 *$1.65 per ticket booking fee applies To book wheelchair accessible seating please call the box office on 02 4823 4999.