Event held on January
[REMOVED] ZAHALKAWORLD - an artist's archive
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About the Event
Anne Zahalka is one of Australia’s most highly regarded photo-media artists who has exhibited extensively in Australia and overseas for over 40 years.
Her work explores cultural and environmental points of tension through a humorous as well as a critical lens. Zahalka World– an artist’s archive is a major survey exhibition that brings together bodies of work that span Zahalka’s practice and treasures from her archive that inform and inspire her.
The exhibition encompasses material that is both personal and professional, intellectual and physical. Imaginative, immersive and playful, the exhibition invites audiences into the artist’s working life and creative process to explore her illusionary worlds.
There are eight key bodies of work that form the basis of the exhibition, including Bondi: Playground of the Pacific, The Landscape Re-presented, Resemblance and Resemblance II, Wild Life and Wild Life Australia, Open House and Hotel Suite.
This exhibition is also accompanied by an award-winning publication proudly supported by the Gordon Darling Foundation and an education kit.
A Museum of Australian Photography travelling exhibition.
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Exhibition and Shows