Event held on April
Women Only Adventure Race NSW
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About the Event
The Women Only Adventure Race is far more than creating an unforgettable event experience shared among girlfriends; it’s about women making time for themselves, and putting first their health and fitness.
The journey to the event is the most precious part for a lot of participants: regularly getting together as a team to train, learn new skills, and support one another to push their boundaries. Women Only Adventure Racing event strengthens bonds and relationships, bringing family, friends, and work colleagues together for a weekend of genuine fun.
The Women Only Adventure Race is an event where teams of two women travel together in a team, they must navigate around a secret course by foot, mountain bike, and kayak or SUP. Stable beginner-friendly crafts are provided for all teams and all levels of fitness and experience are welcome.
Running/walking five kilometres.
Cycling (mountain biking) 10 kilometres.
Kayaking 2 kilometres.
On race day, the participating teams will receive all maps and descriptions.
Entry Cost
All tickets $99 - Early bird price is $99 per person, late entry is $125 per person.
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Sporting Events