Event held on October
Carcoar Show
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About the Event
A one day Agricultural Show, showcasing local produce and events.
Ring events include five horse rings, wood chopping, whip cracking events. Central Highlands sports shear and wool handling events plus prime lamb exhibitions in Woolshed.
Working dog and dog high jump competitions, exhibition by Australian Draught Horse Society of old horse drawn farm machinery.
Free rides and entertainment for children under 15 years, includes, snake tails show, giant wooden games, horizontal bungee, jumping castle, merry-go-round, petting zoo and more.
The Pavilion has an exhibition of local home products, photographs, school work, craft, flowers, art and colouring in competition. Music by local band wickes and watt in bar area, bbq, drinks stall plus a variety of delicious food stalls. Market stalls as well for shopping and show bag van with a variety of goods.
Entry Cost
All tickets $5 - Family Ticket: $30 (Parents plus their children)
Individuals over 15: $10
Children (5-15) & Pensioners: $5
Children under 5: Free
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Community Event