Event held on October
Wanderer Festival
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About the Event
Situated mid-point between Sydney and Melbourne and just a three-hour drive from Canberra, the Sapphire Coast remains one of Australia’s truly pristine landscapes: bound by majestic native bushland, bucolic fields and undisturbed waterways. The region is also home to a truly vibrant creative community: the spirit upon which the festival is founded.
Tearing down barriers, Wanderer Festival presents a music line-up that transcends genre and demographic – and a truly diverse arts program that brings together theatre and comedy, circus and cultural workshops.
Set in gorgeous tree-lined fields and only a short walk to Pambula Beach, Wanderer is a festival for everyone and comprises three unique spaces: Wanderer, The Lost Lands and the Main Stage. Wanderer’s different stages, spaces and campgrounds are dedicated and created purposefully for the young, old and everyone in between.
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Community Event